I Do What I Want!

Just like my corner in the basement, my wife has given me a corner in her website, isn’t she wonderful? I spent many hours figuring out the technical aspects of this website and have constructed it from the ground up. Of course, Liv has provided all of the content and described how everything should work. At the end of it all, she turned to me and said to me with a look of all seriousness how happy she was with the results of “her” hard work, WTF. I reminded her that I could destroy what was created… you get the point. Of course, she was joking around as she many times does. The closer you are to Liv the more Liv will give you a hard time. This is the norm for her family. Sometimes it is a real pain in the butt. Like last night, when it was almost 4 am and I was about 4 hours past when I usually go to sleep. Not exactly in a joking mood after many hours of working on the site trying to get things perfect. No matter the day or mood she always seems to be able to pull me out of my seriousness.

Seriously though, my wife is the person I most admire and I am more than happy to help in any way I can. She always seems to know just what she wants and pursues it without anyone being able to stop her. Liv is quick to offer a helping hand and has contributed more to those people fortunate enough to be her friend than anyone else I know. Quite simply, she inspires me daily to follow those things I want and to be better than I was the day before.

Enough rambling, time to get to the point of this all. What am I doing posting on Liv’s website? Today, Liv and I were sitting together talking about our day and life. This is a common occurrence as we spend hours talking about any topic on our mind. We were discussing the recent launch of the website. How it is a place for people to ask her any question and also a place for her to share her thoughts and endeavors. We thought that people might also have questions for me since I have a part in all of this, if only as a supporting role. I may share my thoughts related to topics which are brought up or maybe/probably get off topic and share whatever tidbit comes to mind. Feel free to ask either of us anything that you wonder by using the contact link above. I am the computer genius and tech support is the only reason I have friends. Liv thinks it is hilarious to bring this SNL skit up on the tv and say this is me SNL Jimmy Fallon Computer Repair Guy. Not sure if you can find the whole skit but it is funny and even though I hate to admit it somewhat relevant at times, I guess…

Just to make sure things are clear, I am in no way a “writer”. I leave this to my talented wife. As such, I asked her to proof read what I wrote here. She did read through but then ended with saying this is my corner of the website and I can write it however I want… not exactly helpful. Thanks hunny, intentionally being an ass just to be funny. Seriously, she would not offer a word of advice here. Its like when you ask your grandparents for advice and they just support you in “your decisions“. I think I need to drown my thoughts in a bowl of ice cream. Farewell.